Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
The attendance of all pupils is a high priority for us and we work intensively to ensure that all pupils attend well. Research has proven that pupils with high attendance typically achieve, on average, around 1 grade higher in each subject than pupils of the same ability with a low rate of attendance. We expect our students to attend school at least 96% of the time, in line with the government guidance, which also says that pupils with less than 90% attendance are ‘persistent absentees’ and those with less than 50% attendance are serious absentees.
Our Attendance Officer, Mr Bishop, works closely with students and families to offer support and guidance with issues involving school attendance. Correspondence to parents through letters, emails, telephone calls and face-to-face meetings are supportive, with the goal of securing practical and positive outcomes, leading to improved attendance. The academy works hard to address low attendance, but places equal importance on the recognition of pupils with high standards of attendance.
We expect students to arrive at school by 8.35am each day, so that they are in form rooms by 8:40am, ready to start. This tutor period, from 8.40am – 8.50am, is a crucial first point of contact each day. This allows us to register pupils and give any key information and notices. We also have a designated member of staff who monitors lateness at main reception each morning. Pupils who are late (after 8.40am) are given a warning on the first occasion of lateness, a final warning on the second occasion of lateness, and on the third occasion of lateness (and every occasion of lateness after that) a detention is issued.
The Academy works closely with the School Attendance Improvement Team (SAIT) to ensure that acceptable levels of attendance are met across the academy. When non-attendance is persistent and serious, we make referrals to the SAIT to make sure that appropriate support is in place to support the parents and carers of these low attending pupils. We expect students and parents to have appropriate levels of resilience, and attend school unless there is a extraordinary circumstance which prevent students from doing so.
Our academy attendance system and policies are led by the senior leader responsible for attendance and punctuality (Mr Brown – Assistant Head Teacher). However, if you have any issues or queries regarding attendance, please contact our academy Attendance Officer, Mr Bishop, on 01388 603388.