Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
All students return to school on Thursday 5th of September for a 8:40 am start in form rooms. Year 7 are to go to the Main Hall at the start of the day.
Year 6 Open Evening - Wednesday 18th September 6pm-8pm
King James I offers students a broad curriculum in all key stages, designed and delivered to develop deep, long term knowledge and understanding of key concepts across the full range of subjects.
Departments work interdependently to ensure appropriate sequencing and progression within the curriculum, which, in conjunction with meaningful assessment enables knowledge to be embedded.
This academic knowledge, along with the broadening of social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of education, and the development of resilience and problem solving skills enables KJI students to be successful lifelong learners once they leave the Academy.