Religious Studies

Teaching Staff

  • G Cross (Director of Learning)
  • S Wilkinson.


Department Information/Curriculum Intent

Religious Studies is a rigorous and demanding academic discipline in its own right. It engenders critical thinking and rigour in the search for truths in uncertain fields. It encourages philosophical thought, theological debates that are rooted in sociological studies. Students acquire decision making skills, collaboration and independent working skills through the search for compromise and conflict resolutions that work in increasingly complex concepts. We believe that Religious Studies truly creates opportunities for young people to develop their skills of dialogue, interpretation and analysis in a coherent context. All these are vital skills in a modern workforce where communication, collaboration and cooperation are core skills. As a department we pride ourselves on providing opportunities to bring classroom learning to life; through a diverse plethora or trips and visitors we are truly able to provide our students with a tangible understanding of the role of religion in the modern world.


Key Stage 4

Students who opt to take GCSE Religious Studies follow the AQA Specification A. The syllabus offers engaging and topical content for students, using and further developing the skills and topics studied at KS3. Students are required to study a range of theological, philosophical and ethics concepts and how these are engaged in discourse in the modern world.


Students continue to develop their own opinions, evaluating the teachings, beliefs and practices of Christianity and a religion of their interest.


Assessment takes place at the end of the two-year course and consists of two 1 hour 45min examinations for each of the course components. These examinations account for 100% of the overall grade.


To complement our studies, we provide students with the following curriculum enhancements;

  • Q&A Workshops with prolife organisations,
  • Q&A Workshops with animal rights campaigners,
  • Workshops with the British Armed Forces,
  • Visits to Teesside Crown Court,
  • Visits to the Centre for Life,
  • Q&A Workshops with faith members and leaders,

Year 10

In year 10 students begin their studies with the Thematic Study of Religions of the course. This comprises of four units; Religion & Life, Religion, Peace and Conflict, Religion, Crime and Punishment, and, Religion and Social Justice.


Year 11

In year 11 Students then move on to the second component of the course: Study of Religions. Students will critically study aspects of Christian belief and practices, before then moving on to the second religion of their choice. Currently, the nominated religion for this academic year is Islam

Year 10

Year 11

Religion & Life

Christian Beliefs

Religion, Crime & Punishment

Christian Practices

Religion, Peace & Conflict

Islamic Beliefs

Religion & Social Justice

Islamic Practices




Learning Journeys

Year 10 Learning Journey - Religious Studies - Year 10.pdf
Year 11 Learning Journey - Religious Studies - Year 11.pdf