King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


NUS-Extra Discount Card

January 2018

Our Sixth Formers have recently been given the opportunity to make huge savings by signing up for the NUS-Extra card.


COMING SOON! Football Trip to Holland

January 2018

In May, students will be travelling to Holland for an exciting opportunity to take part in a football themed trip.


Students Unite in Acts of Kindness

December 2017

Last term, our Academy was a hive of activities which focused on helping other people, from working together to support one of our own students, to collecting donations for shoe boxes destined for Europe.


Respect Awards 2017

December 2017

This month we launched a new awards initiative to celebrate those students who show respect and kindness every day in their school life.


A Truly Festive Christmas Lunch!

December 2017

Our annual Christmas lunch was made extra special this year thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our fantastic catering team who dressed up for the occasion.


Crime and Punishment Brought to Life in History

December 2017

Year 10 History students have recently visited The Workhouse, Courthouse and Prison Museum in Ripon as part of their GCSE studies into18th and 19th century Crime and Punishment conditions.


Great Success for Year 7 Nurture Group

December 2017

Building on the success of last years Year 7 Nurture Group, our new group of Year 7 students have been focusing on the book, "Billionaire Boy' by David Walliams.


A Tale of Zombie Pirate Capers!

December 2017

Once again our students have excelled in an outstanding Christmas show entitled 'The Pirates of Hizzohey and the Search for Vannituba'. Here, Year 13 student, Megann G, talks about the show.


COMING SOON! Holocaust Memorial Day Event

December 2017

In January, around 20 of our Religious Studies students in Year 9 will take part in the annual Holocaust Memorial Day Event at Durham Cathedral.


Leon Wins BSGA Trampolining Competition

December 2017

Representing King James I Academy, young athlete, Leon D has recently celebrated winning the BSGA Regional Schools Trampolining Competition.