King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Remembering Victims of the Holocaust

January 2018

On January 26th our Religious Studies students visited Durham Cathedral to take part in a special memorial event to honour those killed by Nazis in the Second World War.


Aim Higher University Trip to Edinburgh

January 2018

As part of our Aim Higher programme, students in Years 10-13 have enjoyed a two day residential trip to Edinburgh. There they explored the city and visited Queen Margaret University.


Vision - Issue 28 Winter-Spring 2018

January 2018

Looking forward to Academy Life in 2018!

Inside: Sixth Form Life, Christmas Show, Careers Fair, Automotive Studies, Sports Award Winners, STEM Activities, Fundraising Events, Living History, Revision Tips and much more.


Academy Unites to Support Family Following Fire

January 2018

Students and staff at King James I Academy have raised £2018.00 to support Year 7 Academy student, Demi-Leigh P and her family, as they look to rebuild their home following a house fire just two weeks before Christmas.


King James Sixth Form - A Great Place to Study

January 2018

Our Sixth Form students are busy preparing for their future, working hard to complete coursework, revising for exams and preparing for interviews.


COMING SOON! History Trip to London

January 2018

In March, GCSE History students in Years 9-11 will be travelling to London to visit The London Dungeon and to take part in the Jack the Ripper Walking Tour.


New Sixth Form Courses for 2018

January 2018

We offer a diverse range of traditional and vocational courses at King James I Academy Sixth Form, however we hope to offer even more choice in the next academic year.


Students Create a Sense of Belonging

January 2018

At King James Sixth Form, the students help to make the Academy a happy and friendly environment for all students to feel accepted. Here, Year 13 student, Christian R talks about Sixth Form life.


COMING SOON! Library Events

January 2018

Throughout the year, our Academy Library organises a host of special themed events, competitions and trips to promote reading and improve literacy skills.


Learning to Promote STEM Excellence

January 2018

At the beginning of the academic year, our STEM Co-ordinators planned a comprehensive range of exciting activities and learning experiences to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.