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Intent Statement

This qualification will provide students with an underpinning knowledge of Crime, criminal behaviours, the Criminal Justice System and processes. We will equip students with the knowledge they require to progress onto Higher Education to study in the Social Sciences or Social Studies faculties. We will also support students to develop academic skills such as analysis and evaluation, whilst exploring concepts and current issues within our society. 

Department Information

Criminology is about Crime and Punishment. It is an exciting interdisciplinary subject that draws on Law, Psychology and Sociology. It enables progression to further education and employment in the sector and helps develop key skills that are highly valued by employers.


Key Stage 5

The course is taught through planned lectures and discussions. In addition to class room based learning, there are a number of opportunities for students to extend their understanding by visits from outside speakers and visits to Law Courts and local universities to provide a detailed understanding of the Criminal Justice system. Visiting speakers will deliver lectures on Youth and Urban Crime.


Year 12

Unit 1 – Students will learn about a variety of crimes that are under-reported and have a low level of public awareness. You will consider the reasons why people do not report crime. Assessment – 8 hour controlled Assessment.

Unit 2 – Students will consider why people commit crime and whether the criminological theories of crime are acceptable. Theories studied will be applied to real – life situations and this will allow you to discover answers to questions such as ‘what makes someone a serial killer’. Assessment – 1 hour 30 minutes Examination

Year 13

Unit 3 – In this unit you will develop the understanding and skills needed to examine information in order to review the justice of verdicts in criminal cases. You will follow a crime from the initial crime scene to the police investigation. Assessment – 8 hour controlled assessment

Unit 4 – In this unit you will develop skills in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the process of social control in delivering policy in practice. There is a focus on agencies in the criminal justice system such as the police, Crown Prosecution Service, probation and prisons.

Year 12

Year 13

Unit 1 Changing Awareness of Crime

Unit 3 Crime Scene to Courtroom

Unit 2 Criminological Theories

Unit 4 Crime and Punishment


Learning Journeys


Key Stage 5 Learning Journey - Criminology.pdf