Religious Studies

Curriculum Information about Religious Studies at King James I Academy

Teaching Staff

  • G Houlahan (Director of Learning)
  • S Wilkinson


Curriculum Intent for Religious Studies

Religious Studies is a rigorous and demanding academic discipline in its own right. It engenders critical thinking and rigour in the search for truths in uncertain fields. It encourages philosophical thought, theological debates that are rooted in sociological studies. Students acquire decision making skills, collaboration and independent working skills through the search for compromise and conflict resolutions that work in increasingly complex concepts. We believe that Religious Studies truly creates opportunities for young people to develop their skills of dialogue, interpretation and analysis in a coherent context. All these are vital skills in a modern workforce where communication, collaboration and cooperation are core skills. As a department we pride ourselves on providing opportunities to bring classroom learning to life; through a diverse plethora or trips and visitors we are truly able to provide our students with a tangible understanding of the role of religion in the modern world.


Key Stage 3


Year 7

In Year 7 students will be introduced to and develop their knowledge of what a religion is, how it is expressed and its impact on individuals and society. Through the philosophical and theological study of fundamental Christian beliefs, students will consider both secular and religious responses to the issues of God’s existence. Our students will finally consider the implications of miracles on the modern world; do miracles happen? And, what are the potential implications of the possible answers. Throughout this introductory year, our students will develop skills of enquiry, empathy and critical questioning.


Year 8

During Year 8, students will continue their study of religion looking critically at how religious traditions different across British and world societies. Out journey begins with our investigation of Christians, Islamic and Sikh’s and cultural beliefs such as Native American and Mexican traditions in an attempt to decide; is death the end? We will then consider the topic of war and conflict, allowing our students to explore the issues raised by war and complexities of the causes, consequences and debate the religious involvement in war. The final unit in this very exiting year will be the exploration of the theological, philosophical and sociological topic of what does it mean to be a Sikh in modern British society?



Year 9

In Year 9, students will further develop the skills of interpretation, explanation, analysis and evaluation that they have cultivated in Year 7 and 8, in preparation for their studies at GCSE.  Students will consider a wide range of ethical and philosophical concepts such as; how people of faith make moral decisions? Can the death penalty ever be justified?  What is the problem of evil for theists? Where was God during the Holocaust? In studying these issues students will consider a range of religious and secular responses and consider how these opinions may differ depending on a person’s experience or social context. We complete our Ks3 study of religion with the exploration of Islam in contemporary British society, where we will examine the importance and relevance of religious beliefs and practice, and how these affect the identity of modern British Muslims in their daily lives.

At the end of this programme our students have developed a wide range of skills that will help them to become productive members of our academy and wider communities. Our students are thoughtful, respectful, reflective and inquisitive young adults ready to make their next steps in their academic career. This is an exciting time as students are fully prepared to take on the challenge of GCSE Religious Studies, and equally their respective chosen GCSE subjects.


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

What is a religion?

Is death the end?

How do people of faith make moral decisions?

What does it mean to be a Christian in modern day society?

Should people of faith get involved with matters of war?

What is the problem of evil for theists?

What does it mean to live in a religiously diverse world/society?

What does it mean to be a Sikh in modern day society?

What does it mean to be a Muslim in modern day society?

Can Miracles happen?




Learning Journeys


Year 7 Year 7 Learning Journey 22-23.pdf
Year 8 Year 8 Learning Journey 22-23.pdf
Year 9 Year 9 Learning Journey 22-23.pdf