King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


District Biathlon Competition Results

October 2012

Results of the the district Biathlon Competition held this week at St John's School


Science students inspired by advisor to NASA

October 2012

In September, we were privileged to welcome Dr Saralyn Mark, the renowned leader in women's health, who visited us to inspire Year 7 students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.


Metalcore at King James I Academy

October 2012

King James band, "Defying Luna' make their mark in the Metalcore/Post-hardcore music scene.


Award for 100% Attendance

October 2012

16 year old Anthea Parsley has been recognised by Durham County Council for her outstanding 100% attendance record achieved during her five years at King James.


Amanda Coulson Visit - GB Amateur Woman Boxer

October 2012

The Year 10 Rugby League team had a visit from top Women's Amateur Boxer Amanda Coulson this week as part of the Sky Sports Living for Sport Project.


Primary Tag Rugby Festival Results

October 2012

Results of the Primary Tag Rugby Festival.


Exclaimer Magazine Vol. 3

October 2012

Emma Watson - The Perks of Being a Wizard

Issue 3 of the free e-magazine written and produced by an editorial team of young people.

Music, Music, Fashion, Entertainment, and much, much more.

Click Here to visit the Exclaimer Magazine website.


Bulletin Issue 1: September/October 2012

September 2012

Latest news on the Priority School Building Programme from King James I Academy


Charlotte gets the Chop for Charity!

September 2012

King James I Academy student, Charlotte has sacrificed her waist length locks in aid of the "Little Princess Trust'.


Another Great Year for Results

August 2012

King James is celebrating our students' success at both GCSE and A-Level with results this year that are the best yet.