King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Around 600 Primary Pupils join us for Year 5 Curriculum Week

July 2017

Around 600 local Primary school pupils joined us this year for Curriculum Week to experience taster sessions in subjects that are often only available at secondary school.


Girls Active Group at Wimbledon

July 2017

Our 'Girls Active' group have travelled to London to experience the thrill of Court 1 at Wimbledon. The trip was organised as a reward for their positive attitude and contribution to PE lessons.


Head Girl and Head Boy to Lead new Academy Parliament

June 2017

Following a number of hard-fought election campaigns, Year 11 students Ellie D and Alex P, have now taken up their new roles as Head Boy and Head Girl at the helm of our Student Leadership Party.


Year 11 Leavers' Barbeque

June 2017

Following their final GCSE exam, our Year 11 students were able to celebrate the onset of their Summer holiday and reminisce about their time at King James at our Annual Leavers' Barbeque.


Election Campaigns Begin

June 2017

Election campaigns for our Year 11 Leadership Party began today with an event which saw our four Academy Parties deliver their manifesto via a live stream to all classrooms across the Academy.


Year 11 Leavers' Day

June 2017

Following their final exam this week, our Year 11s have been celebrating at our annual Leavers' Barbeque Event.


Vision - King James I Academy Ofsted Inspection Special

June 2017

Following our recent inspection by Ofsted, we are pleased to announce our official status as a "Good' school. In this special Edition of Vision, read some the wonderful comments made by Ofsted during their visit this year.


It's Been an Amazing Journey!

June 2017

What better way to demonstrate the opportunities we provide for our students than to offer a case study or two? Here, Year 13 sisters Niamh and Emelia talk about their time at King James.


Religious Studies Debate on Medical Ethics

June 2017

Following an educational visit to the Centre for Life, students are debating whether science and religion are compatible in terms of medical intervention and the treatment of human life.


Future Business Magnates Develop Portal to the Past

June 2017

As part of Durham County Council's "Future Business Magnates' competition, our King James team have developed an innovative way of connecting local people to their past and providing a new way of learning about County Durham's history.