King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Learning about Careers in Midwifery

June 2018

As part of our extensive Career Planning programme, we are visited throughout the year by industry practitioners from a diverse range of sectors. Speakers focus on delivering inspirational sessions to students in Years 9 and 10; this helps to broaden career ideas and raise aspirations.


Year 5 Curriculum Week

June 2018

Around 600 pupils from 12 local primary schools joined us for Year 5 Curriculum Week this year. Students attended King James to enjoy a full range of taster sessions and learning experiences, which were pre-selected by their own Head Teacher.


The Next Chapter for Year 11s

June 2018

Our Year 11 students have celebrated the end of their exams at our annual Leavers' Barbeque and are now enjoying a well-deserved break before their life journey continues.


Capturing the Beauty of our Region in Photographs

June 2018

A group of Sixth Form Photography students have been developing their creative portfolio on a multi-location trip around the North East.


King James Mourns the Loss of a Valued Friend and Supporter

June 2018

We are very sad to announce that Lez Rawe passed away in the early hours of this morning, following a short illness and following the loss of his wife, Betty, a few months earlier. Lez will be sadly missed by the students, staff and governors at King James I Academy.


Vision - Issue 29 Summer 2018

June 2018

Best Performing State Sixth Form in the North East!

Inside: Sixth form Life, New Nurture Centre, STEM initiatives, Outward Bound, Year 6 Transition, Football Tour of Holland, Maths Department News, Aim Higher Trips plus much more.


Transition Programme Underway

May 2018

In September, over 180 new Year 7s will join us at King James. To make sure they settle in quickly, our Transition Programme starts early, with a wide variety of events that began for many whilst they were in Year 5.


Year 11s Heading Stateside

May 2018

In July, six of our Year 11 students will be celebrating the end of their exams, and marking the beginning of their Sixth Form studies with a three-week-long trip to America. This is the 8th USA experience to take students to Iowa and Chicago.


Year 9s Create Literacy Garden

May 2018

A group of Year 9 students have been working hard with English Teacher, Mrs Read to create a literacy-themed garden area at the rear of our school to celebrate our favourite books and to inspire reading for pleasure.


Moving Forward with Social Media and Technology

May 2018

We are constantly looking at ways to improve communication with our students, parents and our community. Technology allows us to keep moving forward by developing new methods, such as our newly-launched Art and Photography Instagram, and our brand new "Parent App', which is coming in September.