King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Reusing Plastic to Protect Oceans Under Threat

February 2021

Geography students have been learning about the threat that rubbish poses to our oceans and consequently to our world’s marine life, especially the damage caused by single use plastics.


Learning with Lego

February 2021

Students of key workers who are attending school throughout lockdown have been learning through Lego.


Celebrating our Lockdown Legends

February 2021

Hundreds of certificates have been sent to students in all year groups last week to recognise their efforts.


Just Dance in PE Lessons

February 2021

Students in all year groups have been keeping active in lockdown by dancing in virtual lessons with Mr Bushby.


Lockdown Photographers

January 2021

Year 10 Photography students have been keeping busy in lockdown and have produced some brilliant work which will be included in their subject portfolios.


Forest School News

January 2021

Before the national lockdown, our Forest School team of students worked hard to prepare the site for Spring.


E-safety - What you need to know

January 2021

Check out our E-safety leaflet detailing a few easy to follow steps.


Vision - Issue 36: Spring Term 2021

January 2021

Shaping the future of education with Chromebooks

Inside: 100% Chromebooks, Show Stopping Food, Young Film Makers, Languages News, KJ1 Bookworms, UKMT Maths Challenge Success, Christmas Memories and much more.


Keeping Children Winter Warm

December 2020

This year, our Nurture Group Teacher, Miss Thwaites, pictured here in red, organised a particularly important initiative to support children and families in our Academy.


Christmas Jumper Day

December 2020

Christmas outfits at the end of term have become a tradition at King James and this year was no exception.