Activities for Childrens' Mental Health Week

February 2022


This week, across King James, students have been taking part in a wide variety of activities which support National Children' Mental Health Week 2022.

Working with Miss Wall, pupils in Years 7N & 7T learned about the importance of good mental health before discussing ways to improve and protect it. Students had some fantastic ideas and it was great to see that these included performing acts of kindness and helping others alongside healthy eating, staying active and talking about their worries. The group created excellent posters with their top 12 ways to improve mental health.

Mrs Grey's Form group in Year 8 worked together on an activity which focused on ways to lead a happier life. Their suggestions involved being kind and respectful to others, offering friendship and asking people to join in, giving compliments and trying hard to make others smile.

Miss Howard's Form group decided to focus on being kind to ourselves and to others and following discussion, students produced an excellent video to share their ideas.

In other sessions, students have been reading for relaxation, learning breathing techniques to ease anxiety and listening to calming music.