Year 7 King James News - Issue 1

November 2021


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A Newsletter brought to you by Year 7 students.

Contents of this Issue

An interesting insight into how our new Year 7's are embracing secondary school life and how they have settled into King James in their first few weeks.


Learn about what the reward systems in place for our fantastic new Year 7's. Two great interviews with Miss. Newton & Mr. Bushby, delving into their interests and goals for Year 7 over the next year. As well as a brilliant third interview with Mr. Powell, Y7 Student Support.

A fantastic article covering the activities involved in the subjects on the carousel of enrichment sessions that our Y7's study.

E Safety

The importance of how to be safe online, within the academy and at home. A story covering the exciting news of the upcoming opportunity for Year 7's to have Pen Pals during their MFL lessons.

Class Charts

Find out who was rewarded the most class chart points this half term!

100 Club

Find out who our top attenders are!

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