Walking to benefit physical and mental health

March 2021


Miss Whitaker and daughter Lily intend to continue walking every day.

During the half-term holiday students and staff took part in a walking initiative which was the concept of our Head Boy and Head Girl, Adam and Freya; both are in Year 12.

The challenge was designed to encourage our school community to get away from their screens and go out walking in their local area to benefit both their physical and mental health. Participants submitted scenic photographs of the areas they had walked and Mr Jinks will use these to create a collage on return to school.

One of our students, Millie S, pictured top left, sent some fantastic photographs of her local area and the wildlife she saw on one of her walks where she notched up an amazing 6,524 steps! Miss Whitaker embraced the challenge wholeheartedly and committed to walking every day in all weather with daughter Lily. The pair recorded the many farm animals they met (and named!) along the way and Miss Whitaker has even promised to walk every day for the next year!