Class Charts Rewards Store success

June 2024


Mrs Collinson open the Rewards Store twice each week at lunchtime.

At King James we make a priority of rewarding our students for their hard work in meeting our Seven Standards. Last year, we launched our Class Charts Rewards Store as a trial with our Year 10 and 11 students.

Students were able to spend their hard earned achievement points on rewards ranging from stationery and sweet treats to gift vouchers and discount towards Leavers Hoodies for Year 11 students. Year 11s were also able to rack up extra points by attending after school and holiday revision sessions and by completing independent work.

Mrs Collinson, Assistant Headteacher, opens the Reward Store twice a week at lunch time for students to collect their rewards. The store has been a great success with our students and their feedback has helped the store to evolve over the launch year. The Reward Store will continue in this academic year and will now expand to include Year 9 students. Well done to everyone who worked so hard last year and spent a huge 60,000 points on rewards!