King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Creative Homework

January 2014

Every half term, Year 7 students complete a creative homework task, which allows them a longer period of time to make, design and explore their current theme-based scheme of work within Art.


Maths Challenge Success

January 2014

We are again celebrating the outstanding achievements of our Mathematics students at the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Challenge - this time in the Senior category, which is particularly challenging.


Students Show Natural Talent for Badminton

January 2014

This year, we launched the King James Badminton Club for students in all year groups. Run by Ms Stewart, one of our Student Support Workers, not only has the club proved hugely popular, but it has also revealed some previously undiscovered sporting talent.


Artists Inspired in London

December 2013

Sixth Form Art and Photography students have enjoyed a day trip to London with Miss Welch and Mrs Ashman to gain inspiration for their sketchbooks and their final piece designs.


Girls and Gadgets at Teesside University

December 2013

On Thursday 19th December, eight Year 9 girls visited the University of Teesside for the "Girls and Gadgets Conference" where they were joined by thirteen other North-East schools.


A Level Law Students in Court!

December 2013

This year, following a number of requests from our students, we launched A Level Law as a subject option for our Sixth Form. The course, which is led by Miss Grieveson, is proving to be extremely popular and students are embracing the challenge of this fascinating subject.


Health & Social Care Brings Generations Together

December 2013

Students in Health and Social Care recently organised a special event for over 60 senior members of our local community. The event was planned and hosted by students in Years 11 and 12 and supported by a number of organisations including Health Watch, NHS Health Trainer, Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP), Age UK, and Dorothy Macdonald Catering.


Asda Helps Students with Smoothie Creations!

December 2013

On the last day of term, students took part in a fun enterprise competition organised by Mrs Dent in conjunction with Asda, Bishop Auckland.


Top Textiles

December 2013

Year 10 Textiles students have been working on a competition brief in conjunction with Topshop, Bishop Auckland.


Maths Revision at Durham University

December 2013

A Level Maths students in Years 12 and 13 recently visited Durham University with Mrs Glen, our Director of Learning for Maths, for a revision session hosted by degree students.