King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Safety Carousel for Year 8s

May 2019

This week, around 180 Year 8 students at King James I Academy have taken part in a special event with a focus on staying safe in a variety of life situations.


Ullswater Outward Bound Experience

May 2019

A group of 31 students in Years 7-10 have recently taken part in an exciting five day trip to Ullswater Outward Bound Centre in the Lake District.


An Excellent Year for Dramatic Arts

May 2019

This year has seen an exciting display of creativity and determination by the Dramatic Arts Department. Students have produced dynamic and electrifying performances and have achieved both academically and personally.


Help to Plan for the Future at Teesside Uni

May 2019

A group of 40 students in Year 12 have attended a UCAS event at Teesside University as part of our Aim Higher programme. The event focused on carer planning.


The Young Americans @ King James 2020

April 2019

As part of their Spring Tour, the The Young Americans will be visiting King James I Academy from the 3rd-5th February 2020.


Songs of War and Peace

April 2019

Sixth Form Music students have produced their own 15-minute set for a festival setting. They rehearsed four songs, created mash-ups, composed their own song and developed lighting and set design for their performance, as well as developing their skills for live sound and PA systems.


A Week in Paris for RTS

April 2019

A group of students and leaders from our RTS Theatre Group have recently returned from a week-long trip to Paris. The students had been specially selected to attend the trip as a reward for their outstanding work and commitment to the group.


King James Alumni - Prof. Philip Hodgson

April 2019

Former King James student, Prof. Philip Hodgson, currently leads the School of Law, Criminology and Social Sciences at the University of Derby. Here he explains his progression from student to Professor.


The Next Generation of Mathematicians

April 2019

To support their studies and reinforce their learning, A-Level Mathematics students in Years 12 and 13 have competed in the annual UKMT Senior Team Maths challenge. This is a prestigious competition which encourages teamwork whilst solving non-routine maths problems.


Geography Outside of the Classroom

April 2019

A-Level Geography students take part in a variety of learning activities outside of the classroom as part of their studies. Regular field trips to investigate topics such as population, tourism, impact of adverse weather and flood defences help students to put their classroom learning into perspective.