King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Maths Magic at Durham University

December 2019

A group of students in Years 8 and 9 have recently visited the School of Education at the University of Durham to take part in a Mathematical Magic Event along with students from a number of other schools in County Durham.


Christmas Maths Lecture at Teesside University

December 2019

A group of Year 10 students have attended the annual Christmas Maths lecture at Teesside University.


Aim Higher Visit to York

December 2019

A group of 25 Year 12 students have recently travelled to York where they visited York St John’s University as part of our Aim Higher programme.


Role Play Lessons are a Big Hit

December 2019

Two of our History teachers have been making quite an impression on students in Key Stage 3 with a range of exciting role-play lessons.


1,000 Can Challenge Smashed!

November 2019

Last month we launched our 1,000 Can Challenge with the intention of collecting 1,000 cans of food to donate to our local food bank and we are delighted to announce that we exceeded it with a total of 1,048 cans!


Remembering our Heroes

November 2019

On November 11th we held our annual Remembrance Service in school to pay tribute to the many thousands of people who have lost their lives in war.


Poppies Sold Out in 1 Hour!

November 2019

This year, despite taking delivery of our usual stock of Remembrance Day poppies, we are proud to say that we sold the entire supply in under an hour thanks to our amazing students who flocked to buy them!


Raising Awareness at Safety Carousel

November 2019

Year10 students have recently taken part in our annual Safety Carousel event, which was attended by representatives from Durham County Council and the Police Force.


Living History at King James

October 2019

King James I Academy recently brought World War II history to life in an intergenerational event involving senior citizens from the local community, primary school pupils from Crook Primary and students in Years 8-13 from the Academy.


100% Attendance for 7ACU

October 2019

Here at King James I Academy, we are celebrating our first term back with an award for 100% attendance success for the month of September.