King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Donation to If U Care, Share Foundation

December 2020

Students and staff at King James I Academy raised £70 for the North East charity, ‘If U Care Share’, which offers a full range of services to help prevent suicide and support families who have been affected by suicide.


Feeding Families this Festive Season

December 2020

As part of the school’s annual Christmas fundraising programme, students and staff at King James I Academy have been collecting food donations to support the North East based charity, Feeding Families. The charity provides food hampers to families in need across the region.


Creative Christmas Windows

December 2020

As part of our Christmas celebrations students in Years 7,8, and 9 took part in a Christmas window competition.


Chromebook Access Now at 100%!

December 2020

As a result of the pandemic, thousands of young people across the UK have experienced various levels of disruption to their learning, but at King James this has been kept to a minimum thanks to our Chromebook scheme.


Building Spanish Speaking Skills

December 2020

Ten students in Year 9 have taken part in a county-wide Spanish speaking competition. The aim of the project was to put together a presentation to attract Spanish tourists to Bishop Auckland.


A Busy Term for Art & Photography

December 2020

It’s been a busy term for Art and Photography students in all year groups with coursework and exam preparation well underway for both GCSE and A’Level.


Langauges Competition Winners

December 2020

Last term, our students took part in the nationwide competition to celebrate the European Day of Languages and four of our young linguists won a prize!


Baking Christmas Cookies

December 2020

In the last week of term, four of our Year 7 students were selected for a special baking session with Mrs Lamb as a reward for their hard work, positive attitude and outstanding behaviour.


Putting your Best Food Forward!

December 2020

Students in Year 11 have produced an array of quality dishes for the practical element of their Level 2 Hospitality and Catering exam this term.


Creating the Next Generation of Film Makers

November 2020

As part of their coursework, Year 13 Media Production students have been creating a series of short documentary films on a variety of topics to appeal to young people.