Alexi gets hair cut for the Little Princess Trust

June 2021


Alexi had over 30cm cut from her hair and raised £530 in the process!

15 year old Alexi has raised £530 for the Little Princess Trust by cutting her waist length hair and donating it to The Little Princess Trust. This charity makes custom wigs from real hair for children and young people who have lost their hair to cancer.

Losing hair is an extremely traumatic experience for those who are already coping with difficult circumstances and it can be a real challenge to find a wig that fits correctly at an affordable price; the Little Princess Trust was established in 2006 for this reason.

Alexi first learned about the charity in a TV programme when she was just six years old and was greatly affected by the stories she heard. At that time her hair was cut into a short bob but on that day she determined to grow it long enough to make a donation in the future and informed her family of her long-term plan. She said, “I remember as my hair grew longer and longer, my Nanna used to comment on how beautiful it was so I promised I would not cut it until she gave me her blessing. She did that just before she passed away in February this year so this donation is from us both"