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Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Another Outstanding Year for Performing Arts

July 2013

Once again, our A Level Performing Arts students have created some ground breaking performances this year, described by the visiting moderator as "the best he has seen this year'.


Hot off the Production Line

July 2013

This year, our BTEC Creative Media courses were further developed to include print-based media units alongside our already popular film studies. This allows students to develop additional skills in commercial graphic design, publishing, journalism, promotion and marketing.


Training with the Royal Marines

June 2013

Year 12 students have been put through their paces in a "boot camp' style training session held by the Royal Marines, who were invited to King James by our Health and Social Care department.


Media students learn about commercial printing

May 2013

Year 12 students have recently visited Linton's Printers in Crook to learn about commercial printing as part of their Print-Based Media studies. The visit was arranged so that students could gain a better understanding of the process involved in lithographic printing, a commercial process used to produce high quality printed products, including Vision magazine.


Science in context for Sixth Formers

March 2013

Sixth Form students have recently returned from a careers event at Sunderland University aimed at those studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).


New subjects and new facilities make our Sixth Form better than ever

March 2013

Our Sixth Form is growing rapidly and so is our provision. This September will see improved study and social facilities and an even greater choice of subjects.


Sixth Form Science Trips

January 2013

Students studying A Levels in Biology and Applied Science have had plenty of opportunity for learning outside the classroom with no less than four trips to enhance their learning last term.


Students go punk for charity

May 2012

Three of our Sixth Form students transformed themselves into Punk Princesses recently to help raise funds for a new chemotherapy unit at Bishop Auckland Hospital.
