Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
All students return to school on Thursday 5th of September for a 8:40 am start in form rooms. Year 7 are to go to the Main Hall at the start of the day.
Year 6 Open Evening - Wednesday 18th September 6pm-8pm
Sixth Form Mathematicians have taken part in the annual UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge with great success.
Anthony C in Year 13 received a Gold certificate and Best in School award, and Katie R, also in Year 13, took part in both the UKMT's Senior Challenge, receiving a Gold certificate, as well as the UKMT's Maths Olympiad for Girls, for which she received a Certificate of Merit. Both Anthony and Katie were invited to compete in the follow on round, for which Anthony also received a Merit and Best in School Certificate.
Our other certificate winners included a Silver Certificate and Best in Year 12 for Isaac C, and Bronze certificates for Luke G, Freddie S and Christian R. Sianne M also recieved a certificate for participating in the competition. Well done to all of our A-Level participants.