Learning to Inspire
Learning to Succeed
Learning to Develop
Learning to Excel
Learning to Respect
Learning to Appreciate
Learning to Share
Learning to Challenge
Each year in December at King James, students and staff collect items of food and toiletries to help stock essential foodbanks which support families in need in our local community.
The food donations benefit three worthy charities. Firstly, a staff collection provides supplies for the North East charity, ‘Feeding Families’, which helps those who are experiencing food poverty by delivering thousands of 21-item boxes to those who need it most; many of these will benefit people in our local community.
Students take on the ‘1,000 Can Challenge’, with tutor groups competing against each other to collect the most tinned or dried food in the weeks prior to Christmas, and the Academy is pleased to announce that, despite the economic crisis, donations were extremely generous with 1,555 items donated in total. These items will be shared between West Auckland Foodbank and the Angel Trust.