Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

May 2024


Playing giant Snakes & Ladders was a fun way to stretch and move.

Throughout the year at King James, we organise a variety of special events to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing. This week we have been supporting the Mental Health Foundation’s annual Mental Health Awareness Week 2024.

We know that mental health is directly linked to attendance and academic achievement, so it is important to us to ensure our young people feel confident and positive, and that they feel well supported at school and able to access help when needed. Our student Mental Health & Wellbeing group work hard with our dedicated Student Support Team to provide this support.

The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week was movement and the positive impact just five minutes of physical activity can have upon our mental health and wellbeing, from lifting our mood to giving us an energy boost. Across the Academy, students were able to get moving in a variety of different ways, from the timetabled sporting activities in PE lessons, to the extra opportunities provided before school, at break and at lunchtime. Students were keen to shoot hoops in our newly-installed basketball hoop, take part in a football goal challenge, join in a game of Twister or giant Snakes & Ladders, or just go for a walk around the grounds. Even our staff joined in, with a five minute burst of marching on the spot to music in staff briefing that got everyone smiling!