Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Playing the Game of Life!

July 2023

A’ Level Sociology students in Year 12, have been playing the Game of Life in class with their Teacher, Mr Shearer.


Town Council Youth Award Winners!

June 2023

Bishop Auckland Town Council’s Youth Awards is designed to give recognition to outstanding young people in Bishop Auckland. This year, we are proud to announce that our students won four awards!


Sixth Form ICT visit Nissan

June 2023

Year 12 students in Level 3 ICT and Computing have recently visited Nissan Motor Manufacturing Ltd in Sunderland to study how robotics are used in industry.


King James Alumni: Nathan Pilkington

June 2023

Former student, Nathan Pilkington has returned to King James to talk to Year 10 students about his university experience and career as an Architect.


Online Safety Tips - Be Kind

May 2023

Online abuse can have a severe impact on people's lives and is often targeted at the most vulnerable. Follow these tips to stay safe.


Online Safety Tips - Smartwatches

May 2023

As with any type of mobile technology, smartwatches can pose a risk to children unless they're used safely. The attached guide gives helpful hints and tips for the use of smartwatches.


Documentary filmmaking in Media Studies

April 2023

In Media Studies, some of our Year 12 students are filming footage and editing documentary productions on a variety of topics.


Online Safety Tips - Tik Tok

March 2023

National Online Safety has released some top tips for parents on Tik Tok to help them encourage open discussions with their children.


Documentary film making in Creative Media

March 2023

Year 12 Creative Media students are currently producing a range of documentaries on a subject of their choice.


Online Safety Tips - Digital Lives

February 2023

National Online Safety has released some top tips for parents to help them encourage open discussions with their children.