Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Media students go to Whitby Goth Weekend

October 2023

Media Studies students in Years 11, 12 and 13 have enjoyed a trip to Whitby Goth Weekend to see the array of creative costumes worn by visitors to the event.


Sixth Formers get access to the NHS C-Card

October 2023

Year 12 students at King James have attended an assembly on sexual health and the new NHS C-Card scheme.


Creative photography for magazine production in Media

October 2023

Year 13 Media Studies students are currently working on a magazine production unit which involves organising a creative photoshoot to get images for their double page spread.


£470.56 raised for Macmillan Cancer Care!

September 2023

Our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning event has raised an amazing £470.56 for the charity, beating all of our previous records!


Live music in school with The Mercians

September 2023

Students in all year groups have been treated to a live music performance with up and coming Indie band, The Mercians.


Media and Photography in Barcelona

September 2023

Students in our Media and Photography departments have enjoyed an educational trip to the beautiful city of Barcelona to take in the stunning architecture and experience the vibrant Spanish culture.


Sixth Form Results 2023

August 2023

King James I Academy Sixth Form students are celebrating another record-breaking year of success, following A-Level, Applied General and Tech Levels. 100% of students have gained a place at their first-choice university, with students accepted for places at Oxford, Durham and St. Andrew’s universities, including degree courses in Medicine, Psychology and Anthropology.


King James Alumni: Kara Munro

July 2023

Here, former student, Kara Munroe talks about her journey to her fulfilling career in Speech and Language Therapy.


Sixth Form Induction Day

July 2023

The school year is not over yet for our current Year 11s, as they delve into our informative Sixth Form Induction Day, to get a taster of what it would be like to study A’ Levels at King James.


First Aid qualification for Sixth Formers

July 2023

Recently, some of our Sixth Form students have gained a recognised qualification in Emergency First Aid in the Workplace, here at King James.