
King James I Academy Policies

The policies listed below were agreed/ratified in July 2024 for re-introduction on 01 September 2024.

All policies will be re-ratified in July 2025 ready for re-introduction on 01September 2025.

All of our school policies are listed below in Adobe PDF format. If you are having trouble reading the files, please ensure that an up to date version of Adobe Reader is installed.

Policy Name Download as PDF
Accessibility Plan  PDF
Admissions Policy PDF
Allegations Against Staff Policy (including low level concerns PDF
Anti-Bullying Policy PDF
Attendance and Punctuality Policy  PDF
Behaviour Policy PDF
Careers Policy & Access Statement PDF
Charging & Remissions Policy  PDF

Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

The 2024-2025 Child Protection Policy will be available from September 2024 and will include updates from KCSIE September 2024

Complaints Procedure PDF
Data Protection (GDPR) Policy PDF
Detention Policy PDF
First Aid & Accident Reporting Policy PDF
Freedom of Information Act - Publication Scheme PDF
Head Lice Policy  PDF
Health and Safety Policy  PDF
Mobile Phone Policy PDF

Prevent Duty Policy 2023 - 2024

The 2024-2025 Prevent Duty Policy will be available from September 2024 and will include updates from KCSIE September 2024


Prevent Duty Risk Assessment 2023 - 2024

The 2024-2025 Prevent Duty Risk Assessment will be available from September 2024 

Protection of Biometric Information Policy PDF
Relationship and Sex Education Policy  PDF
School Suspension Policy PDF
Single Equality Policy and Action Plan PDF
Sixth Fom Policies (including admission process) PDF
Student Dress Code  PDF
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy PDF
Whistle Blowing Policy PDF



Hard Copies of Documents

Printed copies of school policies are available without charge to parents on request. For more information contact the school by telephone on 01388 603388 or by email kingjames@kj1a.com