Year 7 Catch-Up Funding

King James I Academy

‘Not Yet Secondary Ready’ Report:

A summary of Catch Up Funding and how it is spent


Number of students and ‘Not Yet Secondary Ready’ Funding received

Financial Year 2019-20

Total number of students on roll (Year 7 – 11)

781 (figures from October 2019 Census)

Indicative number of students eligible for Catch Up Funding

67 (28 where Reading is NYSR, 12 where Maths is NYSR, 27 where both Reading and Maths are NYSR.

Actual Amount of Catch Up Funding received per student

£242.93 (£500 is the amount that should be received)

Catch Up funding received

£16,276 (funding based on same sized cohort as 2018/19)



Summary of ‘Not Yet Secondary Ready’ Funding spend 2019-20


  • Continued designation of the ‘7n’ curriculum band; a nurture group following a semi primary model with 1 member of staff responsible for delivery of English and Humanity aspects of the curriculum. This program has now rolled out into Year 8 and 9, where cohorts are taught in the same way. The Academy has recognised that students are NYSR academically, but socially too, and this ‘nurture’ provision enables students to integrate in a controlled fashion, as well as supporting the most vulnerable through the statutory assessment process where appropriate
  • Continuation of the ‘7t’ curriculum band as a vehicle for signposting the most appropriate support for the lowest ability students in order to access top up funding and construction of Costed Provision Maps to better support students
  • Recruitment of additional member of staff (RCO) to take responsibility of maths provision for nurture groups in Year 7-9 and support the delivery of 1 extra maths and English lesson for NYSR students in the lowest 3 teaching bands
  • Redeployment of support staff during P6 intervention to enable review and support of SEN K students by LSA’s.
  • Use of Period 6 Enrichment activities to support reading in the nurture group, supported by library staff and appropriate reading programs.
  • LSA Support; 100% LSA support for 7n and 8n groups, with support for 9n in targeted lessons.
  • Employment of LSA apprentices to provide additional support in lessons as well as providing training to LSA’s to deal with the complex medical issues of students who are NYSR


Impact of ‘Not Yet Secondary Ready’ Funding spend 2019-20


  • Overall, students who were NYSR in Reading achieved 0.11 grades above their challenging target in English at the end of Spring Term (lockdown), representing good progress across the year


  • Overall, students who were NYSR in Maths achieved 0.09 grades below their challenging target at the end of Spring Term (lockdown), representing some progress across the 2 terms but with scope for improvement




Number of students and ‘Not Yet Secondary Ready’ Funding received

Financial Year 2020-21

Total number of students on roll (Year 7 – 11)


Indicative number of students eligible for Catch Up Funding

 Unable to determine accurately. Information received from Primary Schools is based on Teacher Assessment due to Covid-19

Amount of Catch Up Funding received per student

No definitive amount due to the withdrawal of Year 7 Catch Up Funding

Catch Up funding received (projected)



Strategies employed during 2020-21, funded entirely by the Academy due to the abolition of the Year 7 Catch Up Funding Grant.

  • Nurture groups will continue to run in Year 7-9 with the addition of a Year 10 ‘Green’ Course for students who arrived at KJI with significant academic and social issues. This program of study will enable students to achieve academic and vocational qualifications alongside life skills lessons in the form of a Forest School Curriculum.
  • Low ability ‘T’ Groups will continue to run in Year 7-9, although it is anticipated that due to a degree of success in securing EHCP provision for selected students that these may be incorporated into nurture and other teaching groups to provide additional staffing capacity. This will not be done to the detriment of students. The ‘T’ curriculum will continue in Year 9 and this will enable support to be signposted for these students.
  • Continued employment of RCO to work as nurture group Maths teacher, as well as continued responsibility for Year 8 nurture provision.
  • Continued provision of additional English and Maths lesson for nurture groups to accelerate progress, with specific focus on basic numeracy skills and reading.
  • Use of Learning Support Assistants to work on a 1:1 basis during Covid restrictions to enable targeted students to be withdrawn from lessons for focused academic and pastoral support