
Intent Statement

The Level 3 BTEC in Psychology will prepare students to progress into higher education for further study in faculties such as Social Sciences, Criminal Justice Studies or Healthcare. Students will gain an understanding of the core concepts within Psychology, such as how the human mind functions, issues relating to the mind such as mental illness, research methods required for study within Psychology. Students will develop independent learning skills, which are required for further study at a higher level. They will also plan a small scale research project, which develops an understanding and skills relating to research within the field.  


Department Information

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. Students have the opportunity to learn how to analyse arguments and evidence, test hypotheses and make informed judgements – all skills valued by Higher Education institutions and employers.


Entry Requirements

Level 4s or above in English, Maths and Science.


Key Stage 5

The Level 3 BTEC in Applied Psychology promotes the explorations of an understanding of the human mind and behaviours and gives you practical skills to use in real life. 


Study includes:

The Human Mind and its functions (especially those affecting behaviour in a given context), to analyse why we do what we do. We examine Psychology in relation to health, looking at topics such as stress and depression. We also explore Psychopathology, where we look at the profiling of a criminal and what is a Psychopath. 

Assessment includes two units of work which are assessed by externally marked examination and two units of work which are internally assessed pieces of coursework. 


Year 12 

Year 13 

Psychological Approaches - Exam 

Health Psychology - Exam 

Psychological Research - Coursework 

Psychopathology - Coursework 


Learning Journeys


Year 12 Learning Journey - BTEC Applied Psychology - Year 12.pdf
Year 13 Learning Journey - BTEC Applied Psychology - Year 13.pdf