
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a young person with SEND as well as their family and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.


From primary to secondary:

A transition protocol has been agreed with all of our feeder primary schools in our local Community of Learning, to provide additional transition support for students who would benefit from enhanced transition. The SENDCo liaises with our feeder primary schools throughout Yr 6, attending Yr 6 Statutory Annual Reviews for students with EHCP’s where possible, gathering information about SEND students and also provide additional transition support for students who it is felt would benefit from enhanced transition.

Primary colleagues complete a pupil passport for all students with special educational needs that highlights SEN needs, strategies to support the young person and information about any other agency working with the family.

Alongside this, the SENDCO, Designated lead for Transition Yr 7 and Heads of Year 7 visit all of our primary feeder schools to gain as much information as possible about the students, including SEND information.

Our No Wasted Weeks Program organised by Assistant Head Teacher Mr Longstaff gives teaching staff and students a chance to meet again and offers taster lessons of what students might experience in Yr 7 in a fun and exciting way.

All students are invited to attend Yr 6 Open Evening early in the Autumn Term. This fantastic event welcomes Yr 6 students and their families to visit King James 1 Academy’s facilities, try out a variety of exciting learning experiences as well as meeting teaching and support staff and other students.

Induction week allows students to experience sample lessons, designed to build self-confidence and familiarise themselves with King James 1 Academy.

We value the importance of including parents/carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to King James. Parents/carers are invited into school in the summer term of Year 6 for the Induction evening. This gives parents/carers a further opportunity to look around the School, meet staff and discuss any concerns that they may have before their child starts in year 7. This provides an excellent opportunity to answer any questions and ease any worries or concerns that students and/or parents/carers may have during this transition period.


From / to another school:

All students arriving at other times in their school career will meet with one of the senior leaders and Head of Year. Their support needs are identified following liaison with their previous school as well as parents and carers and an early assessment by subject teachers. Where a student transfers out from King James 1 Academy to another secondary school we will support that school in its transition process.


From class to class or moving up:

Transitions from class to class and year to year are discussed and where necessary planned for by tutors, teachers and SENDCO. This would also be discussed as part of a young person's SEN plan review/s.


Educational Health Care Plan

Students with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) will have a transition review in year 9, guided options choices and further support through years 10 and 11 to ensure that their EHC Plan is in place to support their transition to post 16 provision, adulthood and independent living.


SEN Support Plans

Students who have a SEN Support Plans have a nominated Key Worker who will review plans on a termly basis. These are student centred and include parent/carer and teacher views.

From secondary to post 16 education

In preparation for transition at the end of Year 11, all SEND students are given priority in careers guidance support. Information will also be shared by school with the appropriate post 16 provider/employer.

In addition, key members of staff, including the SENDCO also attend a yearly 'Post 16 Transition Information Sharing Meeting' to meet with local post 16 providers to share information with them on all of our year 11 students who have applied for a place with them. This includes the sharing of information about our SEND young people.