King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Macmillan Fundraiser at King James

September 2019

Students and staff at King James I Academy have raised £324.13 for Macmillan Cancer Support at their annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning event.


Documentary Film Making in Malta

September 2019

Sixth Form Media Studies students have returned from a week-long trip to Malta where they gathered extensive footage for a series of travel documentaries as part of their coursework. They filmed in various locations across the island and are now in the process of editing their footage in the studio.


Vision - Issue 33: September 2019

August 2019

New year, new developments and New Starters

Inside: Transition Summer School, Exam Results, Body Positivity Assemblies, Sports Day, Challenge Espana Trip, Media Festival, Art at the Baltic, Sixth Form News and much more


GCSE Results Day

August 2019

We would like to congratulate our students for achieving another positive set of results and for all of the hard work they invested in their studies in Year 10 and Year 11.


An Excellent Set of A' Level Results

August 2019

Well done to our Sixth Form students for achieving another fantastic set of results in Summer 2019.


Summer School Fun at Winmarleigh

July 2019

Over 80 of our new starters joined us at our Transition Summer School this year. Following two days in school, 61 students then enjoyed a free, three-day adventure holiday at Winmarleigh Hall Adventure Centre in Lancashire.


Challenge Espana!

July 2019

In the last week of term, twelve specially selected students in Years 10 and 11 enjoyed a unique trip to Spain, which allowed them to experience the spectacular sights, cuisine and culture of both Madrid and Barcelona.


An Excellent Academy Sports Day

July 2019

Our annual Academy Sports Day was an outstanding demonstration of determination and sportsmanship as young athletes in all year groups competed in a variety of track events from sprints to relays.


Local Businesses Supporting Students

July 2019

Our Business Studies Department works hard to make sure that students have the very best learning experience; this means enlisting the help of local businesses.


Year 11 Prom at Wynyard Hall

July 2019

Last term, Year 11 students celebrated the end of exams at a glamorous Prom event, which was held at Wynyard Hall.