King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Senior Maths Challenge

December 2019

A team of four of our A’ Level Maths students, have recently competed in the regional finals of the Senior Maths Team Challenge in Durham.


Hands-on Forensic Science in Religious Studies

December 2019

Year 9 Religious Studies students have recently visited the Centre for Life in Newcastle to take part in an exciting Forensic Science workshop.


Year 7 Church Visits

December 2019

Last term, Year 7 students took part in our annual church visits experience to compare the diversity within the Christian faith.


Investigating Hospitality in York

December 2019

A group of Year 10 GCSE Hospitality & Catering students have enjoyed a trip to York to research the variety of catering establishments in the city.


New Football Academy Partnership

December 2019

This academic year we have launched an exciting new partnership between King James I Academy and Shildon AFC. The partnership will allow footballers of all standards to progress their skills whilst studying an academic qualification.


History Rewards Trip to Auckland Castle

December 2019

30 students in Year 7, who were all chosen for their outstanding effort and behaviour in lessons, have recently enjoyed a History rewards trip to Auckland Castle.


Maths Magic at Durham University

December 2019

A group of students in Years 8 and 9 have recently visited the School of Education at the University of Durham to take part in a Mathematical Magic Event along with students from a number of other schools in County Durham.


Christmas Maths Lecture at Teesside University

December 2019

A group of Year 10 students have attended the annual Christmas Maths lecture at Teesside University.


Aim Higher Visit to York

December 2019

A group of 25 Year 12 students have recently travelled to York where they visited York St John’s University as part of our Aim Higher programme.


Role Play Lessons are a Big Hit

December 2019

Two of our History teachers have been making quite an impression on students in Key Stage 3 with a range of exciting role-play lessons.