Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Learning with Professional Artist, James Paterson

February 2016

As part of our "Artists in Residence' learning programme, professional Artist, James Paterson has recently spent the morning with Sixth Form and Year 11 Art and Design students.


University Offers Flooding in for Sixth Formers

February 2016

A record number of our Sixth Form students have applied for University this year and all have now received excellent offers.


Developing Practical Skills in Media Production

January 2016

Sixth Form Creative Media Production students have been working with lecturers and degree students at Teesside University to film footage for a music video as part of their current coursework.


Post-mortem Experience for Scientists

December 2015

A group of ambitious Science and Psychology students, accompanied by Miss Newton, have recently visited a section of Newcastle University, which is attached to the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI), to attend a post-mortem examination. Here, Year 13 Applied Science student, Callum D talks about the trip.


Maths Challenge Success for Sixth Formers

December 2015

Once again, our A-Level Maths students are celebrating great success in the prestigious UKMT Maths Challenges, which recognise the abilities of the top Maths students in the country.


Invaded by Pirates on Open Evening!

October 2015

We have received excellent feedback and many positive comments from families in our local community who joined us at our "Treasure Island' themed Year 6 Open Evening event on September 30th.


Over £250 Raised for Macmillan Cancer Support

September 2015

Staff and students have raised over £250 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support by taking part in the National Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning event.


UKMT Maths Challenge Success at Senior and Intermediate Levels

July 2015

A Level Mathematicians who took part in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge are celebrating great success with two silver and three bronze certificates in this year's challenge, which attracted over 81,000 entrants.


Distinction for Maths Students in the National Olympiad for Girls

July 2015

Sixth Form Maths students, Paige M and Caitlin G have both achieved a Certificate of Distinction in the prestigious UKMT Mathematical Olympiad for Girls 2015.


Work Experience at Glastonbury Festival 2015

June 2015

Sixth Form students have gained valuable work and life experience as part of the 2015 Glastonbury Festival Volunteer Team.