Sixth Form News

All the latest news from King James Academy's Sixth Form


Over £200 Raised from Macmillan Coffee Morning

September 2016

Our Sixth Form students and staff have recently raised a fantastic sum of over £200 at a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.


Another Year of Outstanding A-Level Results

August 2016

Students and staff at King James I Academy are celebrating A-Level results following another very successful year.


COMING SOON! New NVQ Catering and Hospitality Course for Sixth Form Students

August 2016

The Open Pathways programme at King James, in conjunction with Bishop Auckland College, will soon be offering an exciting opportunity for Sixth Form students who are interested in a career in Catering or Hospitality.


Sixth Form Leavers Cruise in Durham City

July 2016

This month, we said farewell to our Year 13 and 14 students with an evening cruise and barbeque on board the Prince Bishops River Cruiser in Durham.


Year 12s Aim Higher in York

July 2016

As part of Mr Shearer's Aim Higher programme,Year 12 students have recently visited York St John's and the University of York to learn about the degree courses on offer.


Year 13s Return from Another Brilliant Glastonbury Festival

July 2016

Once again, our Year 13 trip to Glastonbury Festival was an unforgettable experience for members of the Volunteer Recycling Team. Launched three years ago by Mr Longstaff as a work experience trip, the opportunity has now become a highlight of our Sixth Form calendar.


Countdown to Glastonbury Festival for Sixth Form Recycling Team

June 2016

This month, eight of our Sixth Formers, accompanied by Mr Longstaff and three Junior Leaders, will be travelling to Glastonbury to working as part of the 30,000-strong volunteer team at the iconic Glastonbury Festival 2016.


COMING SOON! Year 13s to Cruise in Durham City

June 2016

Our Year 13 Leavers' Event will take place on Wednesday July 13th aboard the Prince Bishops River Cruiser in Durham City.


Sixth Formers Investigate Healthcare Careers

April 2016

Our Health & Social Care Department has been working wih the University of Teesside to offer "Discovery Workshops' at King James.


UK Maths Challenge Success for Iwan

February 2016

Year 12 A-Level Maths student, Iwan M has once again, celebrated success on the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust's follow-on 'Senior Kangaroo' round.