King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Poetry and origami combined at Mrs M's Cafe

May 2023

Students in Key Stage 3 have enjoyed a unique learning experience delivered by Mr Wheatley, our Academy Librarian, in Mrs M's Cafe, which is located in the Market Place.


League Cup Final Champions!

May 2023

Last term, our Year 10 football team won the League Cup Final following a hard-fought match against Durham Johnston.


Documentary filmmaking in Media Studies

April 2023

In Media Studies, some of our Year 12 students are filming footage and editing documentary productions on a variety of topics.


Year 11 Easter revision sessions

March 2023

We have a range of revision and coursework sessions for Year 11 students taking place during the Easter holidays.


Online Safety Tips - Tik Tok

March 2023

National Online Safety has released some top tips for parents on Tik Tok to help them encourage open discussions with their children.


Outstanding PROUD work!

March 2023

Since the launch of our PROUD book initiative we have seen some outstanding work across all subjects and in all year groups.


Documentary film making in Creative Media

March 2023

Year 12 Creative Media students are currently producing a range of documentaries on a subject of their choice.


Valentine themed hot chocolate rewards

March 2023

At the end of Spring Term 1, we celebrated the achievements and excellent behaviour of students in Key Stages 3 and 4 with Hot Chocolate Rewards around a Valentine theme.


Celebrating World Book Day 2023

March 2023

As part of World Book Day 2023, all students in Years 7-9 received a free book from our Academy Librarian and spent the day focusing on reading activities in all lessons.


Online Safety Tips - Digital Lives

February 2023

National Online Safety has released some top tips for parents to help them encourage open discussions with their children.