

Year 12-13 Carnegie Sport Experience Day (Leeds Beckett University) (22/05/24)

Students from year 12 and 13 attended a carnegie sport experience day at Leeds Beckett on 22/05/24.  Sudents had a tour of the facilities as well as taken part in three workshops linked to sports coaching, scientific factors - health and sport performance and physical education.

Year 11-13 Champions League Quarter Final - Manchester City versus Real Madrid (17/04/24)

Fourteen students from year 11-13 had the opportunity to go and watch the Champions League quarter final between Manchester City and Real Madrid.  They had excellent seats and what a match they got to see.  It finished 1-1 after the 90 minutes, 4-4 over the two games. The game went to extra time and penalties to which the students had front row seats.  Real Madrid eventually come out winners.  Students were a credit to the Academy and had a throughly excellent time.


Year 7-9 Holland Football Tour May 2023

Forty five students and four members of staff went to Holland just before May half term.  Students travelled over night on the ferry and whilst in Holland for three nights they participated in two Dutch FA football training sessions, played two competitive fixtures against Dutch opposition, had a stadium tour around the current Champions Feyenoord Football Club, went around a theme park and water park and went bowling and to the amusements.  After all of the excitment they then returned to England with another overnight stay on the ferry.