All students return to school on Thursday 5th of September for a 8:40 am start in form rooms. Year 7 are to go to the Main Hall at the start of the day.

Year 6 Open Evening - Wednesday 18th September 6pm-8pm

Pupil Premium

The Use of Pupil Premium Funding at King James I Academy

The Government classes disadvantaged students as those who have been in receipt of Free School Meals at any stage in the last 6 years (Ever6). Children who are Looked After (CLA) are also classed as disadvantaged, whilst the Government also recognises that the children of service personnel may also face challenges in schools. The Government has allocated a fixed sum of money to all schools based on the number of Ever6, CLA and Service students on roll. Funding for the 2023/24 academic year is £1035 per student for Ever6, £2530 for CLA and £335 for Service Children. This funding is in addition to main school funding, and is designed to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils


King James I Academy believes in providing the best possible education for children of all abilities and from a range of different backgrounds. We are a fully inclusive school offering a wide range of activities both in school and as extra-curricular opportunities.

The pupil premium allows us as a school to fund aspects of the school which provide significant support to disadvantaged students, enabling them to further their learning opportunities, and in many instances improving provision for students who do not qualify for the pupil premium grant. Specifically, funding is used to support high quality teaching, targeted academic support and wider approaches, including addressing attendance, social and emotional challenges.

We employ a range of specialist staff to engage our disadvantaged students and provide them with the support necessary to allow them to fully access the curriculum and maximise their learning opportunities.

As well as taught lessons, dedicated staff provide a range of extra-curricular opportunities for students; with sports clubs, drama, dance and enterprise being prominent in addition to raising achievement in academic subjects, particularly English and Maths

We are able to plan our activities in the knowledge that we are supporting all students in making progress in a safe and fully inclusive environment.


Pupil Premium - Analysis

Pupil Premium Analysis for 22-23.pdf
Pupil Premium - Strategy Pupil Premium Strategy Document Autumn 2023.pdf