Celebrating Pi Day

March 2024


Year 9 student Tina recited 111 digits of Pi to win the competition.

On March 14th, our Maths Department organised a variety of activities in lessons to celebrate Pi Day 2024.

Pi is a special number, represented in abbreviated form by the familiar sequence 3.14, pi, or the Greek letter ?, an iconic symbol seen in mathematical equations. It's actually a ratio, denoting the relationship between the circumference and the diameter of a circle. If the outline of a circle is traced, unwound and then measured, the length is called its circumference. The length of a line drawn straight through the centre of a circle and extending out to its edges is called the diameter. Dividing the circumference by the diameter of any, and all circles will yield the same result, Pi, and that's true for all circles, regardless of size.

Young Mathematicians in Year 7 made bracelets relating to the numbers of Pi and in Year 9, students took part in a competition to see how many digits of Pi they could remember and recite. The winner was Tina, pictured here, who recited an amazing 111 digits!