King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Sports Captains Lead Primary Athletics Event

February 2015

Year 10 Sports Captains have recently worked with local primary school pupils at an Athletics event which was held in our new sports hall.


Studying the Mathematics in Roller Coasters

February 2015

Fourteen students in Years 9-13 have recently returned from an extraordinary Maths-based educational seminar in Disneyland Paris.


Teachers Pave the Way for Student Trip to Geneva

February 2015

During Half Term, our Physics Teachers, Mrs Ashman and Miss Wilson travelled to Geneva to attend a conference at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, where Physicists and Engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study particles. Next year, students will be visiting the laboratory for themselves.


Aim Higher in Edinburgh

February 2015

Last term, fifteen Year 10 students and two Sixth Formers enjoyed a two day trip to Edinburgh University as part of Mr Shearer's 'Aim Higher' programme.


All The King's Boys Heritage Project

February 2015

'All the Kings Boys' is a World War I Heritage Project being undertaken by a number of students from all year groups as part of our Enrichment timetable.


Twelve Sporting Weeks on the River

February 2015

Students have been working with Durham Amateur Rowing Club (DARC), which has recently been nominated for Club of the Year, to complete a 12 week introductory course in rowing and water safety. The group were trained by professional rowers, Bethany Yates and Debbie Connolly.


COMING SOON! World Book Day 2015

February 2015

Each year we celebrate World Book Day with a variety of reading and creative writing projects in school. This year the event takes place on Thursday 5th March.


Commended in National Photography Competition

February 2015

For the second year in a row, A Level Photography student, Adam B, pictured here, has been commended for his outstanding photography work by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).


NEW! Literacy Learning Walls and Mats

January 2015

As part of our committment to improving literacy skills, we are currently developing and introducing a number of new learning resources. Literacy Learning Walls and Mats are now a feature of every classroom.


COMING SOON! Learning Experiences Through Travel

January 2015

Students in all year groups are looking forward to a variety of opportunities to travel as part of their learning.