King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Chromebooks for all Year 7s

September 2021

Each year, our new Year 7 students are issued with a personal Chromebook to help them with their studies as they progress through the key stages. This ensures that students in all year groups benefit from access to a personal laptop.


'Bug'ingham Palace Hotel fully booked!

September 2021

Following the warm and wet summer holiday, Year 13 Photography student, Sean C has returned to King James to find his bug hotel fully booked with an array of insect guests!


Vision - Issue 37: Autumn/Winter 2021

August 2021

It’s great to be back!

Inside: Meet our Senior Leaders, Transition Summer School, Exam results, Penpal project, Forest School, Sports days, Eco-agents, Student wellbeing, Sixth Form news and much more.


Another year of excellent results!

August 2021

Despite the huge challenges faced by our young people in the past year, we are celebrating yet another year of excellent exam results in all A’ Level, GCSE and vocational subjects.


Transition Summer School adventures

July 2021

Each year, during the summer holidays at King James, we organise a week of fun, free activities for Year 6 students who are registered to start our Academy in September. This year our Transition Summer School took on the important theme of 'Catching Up'.


Languages students have penpals in France and Mexico

July 2021

Key Stage 3 Modern Foreign Langauges students have been taking part in an exciting penpal project with pupils in France and Mexico.


Year group fun on Sports Day

July 2021

This year, for safety reasons, our Sports Day took place over three days to allow for individual year group events, and although on a much smaller scale than usual, students still had a great day and competed with enthusiasm.


UKMT Maths challenge success!

July 2021

During the Summer term, Year 7 and Year 8 pupils took part in the UKMT’s Junior Maths Challenge, which is a 60-minute multiple choice challenge.


Getting crafty after school!

July 2021

A group of students, who are now in Year 8 have been getting creative in an after school Arts & Crafts Club run by Miss Thwaites and Mr Graham.


Year 12 work experience

July 2021

Despite the challenges of sourcing a work experience opportunity due to Covid-19 restrictions in the workplace, some of our Year 12 students were successful in their search and took part in a week-long work placement in July.