A Busy Term for Art & Photography

December 2020


It’s been a busy term for Art and Photography students in all year groups with coursework and exam preparation well underway for both GCSE and A’Level.

Year 10s have been working on two projects, one being a horror project and the other looking at stop motion photography. Students took advantage of the historic look of our old school building to take some horror-themed images and used masks and carved pumpkins with smoke bombs to get some really interesting effects. They also had the opportunity to try levitation photography, shown left, which allowed them to develop their skills in photo-manipulation.

For the stop motions, students had great fun creating Pac-Man from playdough, snakes from Skittles, and a huge real-life Tetris game from Starburst sweets!

Students have also been developing their creative photography skills by experimenting with the shutter speed on their DSLR cameras to create some interesting light trails and light paintings. They also experimented with inks in water, and photographed it to look like fire.

Year 11 Art students have worked really hard during their Art mock exam and have produced some high-quality work within the challenging time frame. Students experimented with a variety of media and techniques such as painting, drawing, textiles, 3D Sculptures and epoxy resin art. Photography students in Year 11 have produced creative results using ferrofluid with magnets (magnetic liquid) and made some unique and beautiful patterns such as the one pictured top left.

Our A’Level Photography students are busy developing their skills in studio-style photo shoots by experimenting with backdrops, artificial lighting and specialist equipment to create specific effects. They have also built upon their industry skills by using Photoshop to perfect their images.