King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


King James Cup 2013

April 2013

Having been postponed on the previous two dates, the second Staff vs. 6th form football took place in brilliant condition, just one day before the summer half term holidays.


Howtown Adventure

April 2013

Despite freezing temparatures and 10 feet high snow drifts, 36 determined students, accompanied by Mr Ramsey, Mrs Humble and Mrs Lamb headed for Howtown in the Lake District, for a residential trip full of challenging activities.


Championship hopes for young golfers

April 2013

Our three-man Golf team, pictured here at last years competition, are hoping to mirror previous success in the British Heart Foundation Junior Golf Championship 2013.


Vampires on stage!

April 2013

Following weeks of preparation, our stage came alive with the sound of classic rock as our talented music students presented their own adaptation of the hit musical, Vampires Rock


Formula One in School

March 2013

We are constantly in search of new and exciting ways to allow our students to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects and last term, our STEM Co-ordinator, Mrs Lee, surprised students with an opportunity to try out a full size Formula 1 simulator.


Science in context for Sixth Formers

March 2013

Sixth Form students have recently returned from a careers event at Sunderland University aimed at those studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).


Getting a taste for Scuba

March 2013

Students have recently enjoyed a Scuba Diving taster session at Freeman's Quay, Durham in preparation for their forthcoming expedition to the Philippine Islands in South East Asia.


Educating our Young Drivers

March 2013

It's a sad fact that thousands of young drivers are involved in tragic car accidents every year in the UK and many of these accidents are caused by dangerous driving. That's why we do everything we can to raise awareness and educate our students long before they get their provisional license.


Inspector judges Art as Outstanding

March 2013

Our Art department continues to go from strength to strength due to its strong teamwork and inspirational ethos. The department continues to develop as a cutting edge team at the forefront of Art and Design education and we are very proud to report that, last term, it has been judged as "Outstanding' by the LEA Inspector (Local Education Authority).


Students interview Kenny MacAskill MSP

March 2013

Year 11 students have visited the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to interview the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Mr Kenny MacAskill MSP. The students are all members of the editorial team who write and design Exclaimer magazine, a free online national publication launched as a platform for aspiring journalists and graphic designers to showcase their talents.