King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Thought-provoking Religious Studies

December 2015

It has been a busy term for students in Religious Studies with educational visits, fundraising events and visits from various speakers.


Maths Challenge Success for Sixth Formers

December 2015

Once again, our A-Level Maths students are celebrating great success in the prestigious UKMT Maths Challenges, which recognise the abilities of the top Maths students in the country.


Academy Bank Open for Business

November 2015

Last term, we launched our own Academy Bank for students in conjunction with Darlington Building Society. The bank offers our students the opportunity to develop valuable life skills and watch their money grow through a number of incentive-based savings initiatives.


A Host of Football Legends at Old Trafford

November 2015

Fifteen Martin Gray Football Acadaemy students, accompanied by Mr Laybourn, have recently returned from a trip to the 'Match for Children' in aid of UNICEF fundraising event at Old Trafford, which was organised by David Beckham.


Paying Tribute to our Soldiers

November 2015

In a moving tribute to the many servicemen and women who lost their lives in conflict, student members of the ongoing World War I history project at King James stood alongside 95 year old WWII veteran, Mr George Iceton, The Mayor of Bishop Auckland, Cllr Lee Brownson and other special guests at our new war memorial.


Chloe Wins the First Accelerated Reading Competition Kindle!

October 2015

Year 9 student, Chloe C is the first winner in our year-long "Accelerated Reading' competition. The initiative, which is run by Miss Wharton in our English department in conjunction with Mr Wheatley in our busy school library, offers book lovers the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw each half term to win a "Kindle Fire.


Mayor Turns Babysitter in Health and Social Care

October 2015

The Mayor of Bishop Auckland, Cllr Lee Brownson demonstrated excellent babysitting skills during a recent visit to our Health and Social Care Department.


Invaded by Pirates on Open Evening!

October 2015

We have received excellent feedback and many positive comments from families in our local community who joined us at our "Treasure Island' themed Year 6 Open Evening event on September 30th.


Mayor of Bishop Auckland Officially Opens the Agnew Building

September 2015

This week. former King James student, the Mayor of Bishop Auckland, Cllr. Lee Brownson officially open the newly-refurbished and renamed Agnew Building.


Over £250 Raised for Macmillan Cancer Support

September 2015

Staff and students have raised over £250 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support by taking part in the National Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning event.