King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Celebrating World Book Day 2024

March 2024

Every year at King James, our Academy Librarian joins forces with our English Department to organise a host of themed activities to celebrate World Book Day. This special day encourages young people to appreciate the benefits of reading for pleasure.


New green screen film making resource in Media Studies

March 2024

The Media Department is celebrating the completion of an exciting green screen studio resource; this will allow students to create a full range of creative film making projects.


Restaurant quality food presentation

March 2024

In Food & Nutrition, Sixth Form students have been developing their food presentation skills in a practical session focusing on desserts.


Preparing for World Book Day 2024

March 2024

Year 9 Academy Librarians have been helping Mr Wheatley get ready for World Book Day 2024.


Carnegie Shadowing group event

February 2024

A group of 12 students, who are all part of our Carnegie Shadowing group, joined local judge, Katy Wedderburn for a special event in our Library.


Media, Art & Photography on the way to Majorca

February 2024

Sixth Form students in Media, Art and Photography are looking forward to an educational visit to the Spanish island of Majorca in early October.


PE trip to Amsterdam for football fans

February 2024

Our PE Department has organised a number of successful trips to Holland in previous years, with students able to take part in friendly football tournaments alongside opportunities for sightseeing.


An excellnt week of Hot Chocolate Rewards!

February 2024

The last week of term has been full of special events to celebrate the achievements of our star students in Key Stage 3.


PROUD books across the Academy

February 2024

At the end of half term, students in all year groups and in all departments were keen to show off their PROUD books.


Year 9 boys celebrate an amazing achievement

February 2024

Many students have received an award for achievement at one of our Hot Chocolate Rewards events, which take place each half term, but two Year 9 boys deserve special recognition.