King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Excellent GCSE Results

August 2017

Our students are, once again, celebrating significant achievements following receipt of their GCSE results. 50% of our Year 11 students have achieved 8 or more A*-C grades, with students achieving over 140 A+ grades, or higher, across their chosen subjects.


Art and Photography Exhibition Showcases Student Talent

August 2017

Art and Photography students have excelled this year at both GCSE and A' Level. They have produced an array of creative pieces from traditional paintings to expressive costume, photographs to digital manipulations, and sculptures to large-scale 3D installations.


Studying Tourism and Business in Madrid

July 2017

A group of Year 10 Travel and Tourism students have travelled to Madrid for an exciting trip which focused upon the impact of tourism on the economy.


Smiling Through the Sports Days Rain!

July 2017

Thanks to the unpredictable English weather, our Sports Day event on the last day of term offered an additional challenge for our young athletes as they battled against the rain!


King James' Got Talent!

July 2017

This month, as one of our special end-of-term events, singers and musicians in all year groups entertained us by taking part in the 2017 King James Talent Show.


A Study of County Durham Public Health Intelligence

July 2017

Our Sixth Form Health & Social Care students were recently visited by Katie Dunston-Smith of the County Durham Public Health Intelligence Team for a session on community health provision.


Around 600 Primary Pupils join us for Year 5 Curriculum Week

July 2017

Around 600 local Primary school pupils joined us this year for Curriculum Week to experience taster sessions in subjects that are often only available at secondary school.


Girls Active Group at Wimbledon

July 2017

Our 'Girls Active' group have travelled to London to experience the thrill of Court 1 at Wimbledon. The trip was organised as a reward for their positive attitude and contribution to PE lessons.


Head Girl and Head Boy to Lead new Academy Parliament

June 2017

Following a number of hard-fought election campaigns, Year 11 students Ellie D and Alex P, have now taken up their new roles as Head Boy and Head Girl at the helm of our Student Leadership Party.


Year 11 Leavers' Barbeque

June 2017

Following their final GCSE exam, our Year 11 students were able to celebrate the onset of their Summer holiday and reminisce about their time at King James at our Annual Leavers' Barbeque.