King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


£100 Raised for Young Minds

October 2020

Students and staff at King James I Academy have raised £100 for the UKs Young Minds charity, which focuses on raising awareness about young people’s mental health.


A Whole New way to Revise for Exams

October 2020

All Year 11 students now have free access to the online resource, GCSEPod, which allows them to revise exam topics for all subjects in short, high impact bursts of content called ‘Pods’.


Meet our 2020 FBM Team

October 2020

We would like to recognise the creativity and initiative of our FBM team, pictured here, who managed to complete three challenges in the competition before lockdown last March.


Aim Higher News Update

October 2020

Our Year 13 students, under the guidance of Mrs Lobb, have been very busy completing their UCAS application forms for entry to University next year.

Two students have already received offers from their first choices. Rebecca H and Georgia A are very happy to have received offers from Newcastle, Northumbria and York universities. Congratulations!


Vision - Issue 35: Autumn Term 2020

September 2020

Inside: Safety as a Priority, Free Chromebooks for all Students, Exam Success, New T-Levels, Virtual Year 6 Open Evening, Caring about our Local Community and much more.


A Level Results 2020

September 2020

This year our year 13 leavers were very successful, leaving us with excellent results and securing places at destinations of their choice, including a range of universities across the county, degree apprenticeships, further education and employment.


King James I Academy - The Virtual Tour

June 2020

At the request of Mr Grieveson, former Sixth Form student, Kyle B has created a fantastic video with commentary which allows visitors to take a virtual tour of our Academy. This will be particularly useful for students who are joining us in September as they will be able to familiarise themselves with our buildings.


Drowning Prevention Week – 12th - 19th June 2020

June 2020

Water-safety is a key element of the King James I Academy personal development programme, and this year we feel that raising awareness of water-safety and drowning-prevention is even more crucial, given the circumstances we are all currently facing.


VE Day - 75th Anniversary At Home Celebrations

April 2020

On the 8th of May 1945, Nazi Germany's surrender marked the End of World War II in Europe. Let us mark the 75th anniversary of this day, from the safety of our own homes.


Have Your Say: Mobile Phones at School

February 2020

Should the school impose a ban which would ask students not to bring mobile phones in to school? We want you to have you say.