King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


RE Podcast Challenge

February 2021

Key Stage 3 RE students have been taking part in a fun ‘Podcast Challenge’ set by Mrs Cross.


Northern Echo Home Schooling Photographic Feature

February 2021

Later this month The Northern Echo will be publishing an ‘Education Matters’ supplement and part of this will include a special photographic feature of pupils and teachers home schooling.


Live Dissection from the Kitchen!

February 2021

Students in Year 9a2 have been learning about the human body with Mrs Collinson in live dissection lessons.


Games for learning in History

February 2021

Sixth Form student, Victoria M and her younger brother have created this fantastic board game to learn about the industrial revolution.


Catch Up Week

February 2021

Monday 8th February, our last week of half term is 'CATCH UP WEEK'


Mrs Cross Supports the NHS at Weekends

February 2021

Our Director of Learning for RE, Mrs Cross has been working weekends to help the NHS.


Reusing Plastic to Protect Oceans Under Threat

February 2021

Geography students have been learning about the threat that rubbish poses to our oceans and consequently to our world’s marine life, especially the damage caused by single use plastics.


Learning with Lego

February 2021

Students of key workers who are attending school throughout lockdown have been learning through Lego.


Celebrating our Lockdown Legends

February 2021

Hundreds of certificates have been sent to students in all year groups last week to recognise their efforts.


Just Dance in PE Lessons

February 2021

Students in all year groups have been keeping active in lockdown by dancing in virtual lessons with Mr Bushby.