King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


COMING SOON! Learn to Ski in Italy

August 2016

Here at King James, we aim to not only encourage our students in their academic studies, but also to develop their social skills and broaden their horizons by offering them opportunities to enjoy new experiences.


Paralympic Athlete joins us for Sports Day

July 2016

Our annual Sports Day took place on the last day of term with British Paralympic Wheelchair Fencer and National Paraclycling Champion, Craig McCann as special guest.


Studying World Class Physics in Geneva

July 2016

Thirty students in Years 10-14 have recently travelled to Geneva on a fantastic educational visit to the world renowned CERN Laboratory, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.


Sixth Form Leavers Cruise in Durham City

July 2016

This month, we said farewell to our Year 13 and 14 students with an evening cruise and barbeque on board the Prince Bishops River Cruiser in Durham.


Year 12s Aim Higher in York

July 2016

As part of Mr Shearer's Aim Higher programme,Year 12 students have recently visited York St John's and the University of York to learn about the degree courses on offer.


Aim Higher at Northumbria University

July 2016

As part of Mr Shearer's 'Aim Higher' initiative, 46 students in Years 9 and 10 have recently enjoyed a visit to Northumbria University, complete with overnight stay in Newcastle.


Girls Active see Wimbledon Action First Hand

July 2016

As millions of us watched Wimbledon 2016 on TV, our Girls Active sports group joined the hundreds of lucky ticket holders on Court 2 to watch the action first hand.


FBM Entrepreneurs are Eco-Friendly Thinkers

July 2016

Our FBM (Future Business Magnates) Team have finished in second place in the FBM Competition 2016 with their eco-friendly product called Eazy Shred.


Year 13s Return from Another Brilliant Glastonbury Festival

July 2016

Once again, our Year 13 trip to Glastonbury Festival was an unforgettable experience for members of the Volunteer Recycling Team. Launched three years ago by Mr Longstaff as a work experience trip, the opportunity has now become a highlight of our Sixth Form calendar.


Maths in the Real World

July 2016

In our Maths department, students have been working on a trio of team challenges inspired by "The Apprentice'. All challenges, which involved the use of practical mathematical skills in real world situations, were designed to allow students to put their learning into context.