King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Aim Higher Trip to Edinburgh

February 2017

Fifteen Year 10 students have travelled to Edinburgh on a two day residential trip as part of our Aim Higher programme. They visited Queen Margaret University, which is located in the centre of the city.


Exploring the Power of Maths Manipulatives

January 2017

Year 7 students have been learning Algebra through the use of manipulatives, which are designed to encourage students to think about mathematics in a different way.


Programming and Coding for Roboteers

January 2017

Following our win at the Regional Final and subsequent success at the National Robotics Final in 2016, we have launched a new after-school Robotics Club for students in Years 7-9 who are interested in developing skills in programming and coding.


Wimbledon trip planned for Girls Active

January 2017

A group of our Year 9 students, who are all members of our Girls Active group, are currently planning a range of fundraising activiites to support their upcoming trip to Wimbledon in July.


Celebrating Success at Prize Evening

January 2017

It is always a glitzy evening when our Annual Prize Evening takes place, with a large number of students being recognised for their achievement in their studies.


Royal Shakespeare Work Experience

January 2017

By special invitation, Year 10 students, Kyle B. and Marshall G., accompanied by Year 13 student, Harriet E., have recently attended a four day work placement with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in Stratford.


Students Claim 8th Place in National Cipher Challenge

January 2017

Two of our talented Year 10 students, Abbi S and Marshall G, have claimed 8th place in the 'National Cipher Challenge', which attracts thousands of participants from across the UK alongside many international competitors.


UKMT Senior Maths Challenge Success

January 2017

A-Level Maths students have achieved one gold and two bronze awards in this year's UKMT Senior Maths Challenge.


Religious Studies Focus on Justice and Democracy

December 2016

Religious Studies students have recently enjoyed a day trip to Manchester to advance their knowledge on a number of topics which they had been studying and debating in class.


Business and Tourism Trip to York

December 2016

As part of their BTEC courses, Business Studies students and Travel and Tourism students in Year 10 have visited York to conduct research into promotional strategies for building a business, and how UK cities attract tourists.