King James I Academy News

All the latest news from King James I Academy


Farewell Barbeque for Year 13s

July 2018

To mark the end of their time at King James, and the beginning of the next chapter in their lives, Year 13 students, teachers and support staff gathered together to enjoy an afternoon barbeque and buffet in the sunshine.


Aim Higher in Leeds

July 2018

As part of our "Aim Higher' programme, a group of our Year 12 students had the opportunity to enjoy a two-day residential trip to Leeds Beckett University.


Magician Shocks New Sixth Formers

July 2018

Many potential Year 12 students came to our Sixth Form Induction Day event to experience half hour taster sessions in a range of subjects, and to look into Sixth Form life.


Year 11 Prom

July 2018

This month, our Year 11 students turned out in style for a glittering Prom at Redworth Hall Hotel.


COMING SOON! Barcelona and Amsterdam

July 2018

Students are looking forward to departing on the first international visits of the academic year to the beautiful cities of Barcelona and Amsterdam.


FBM Award for Best Use of Technology

June 2018

Our Year 8 Future Business Magnates (FBM) Team have won the award for Most Effective Use of Technology in this years entrepreneurial competition for schools, which is run by "Business Durham'.


Learning about Careers in Midwifery

June 2018

As part of our extensive Career Planning programme, we are visited throughout the year by industry practitioners from a diverse range of sectors. Speakers focus on delivering inspirational sessions to students in Years 9 and 10; this helps to broaden career ideas and raise aspirations.


Year 5 Curriculum Week

June 2018

Around 600 pupils from 12 local primary schools joined us for Year 5 Curriculum Week this year. Students attended King James to enjoy a full range of taster sessions and learning experiences, which were pre-selected by their own Head Teacher.


The Next Chapter for Year 11s

June 2018

Our Year 11 students have celebrated the end of their exams at our annual Leavers' Barbeque and are now enjoying a well-deserved break before their life journey continues.


Capturing the Beauty of our Region in Photographs

June 2018

A group of Sixth Form Photography students have been developing their creative portfolio on a multi-location trip around the North East.